The conversation and political discourse around gun safety has excluded the voice of gun owners for far too long. Aim for Change is a petition in support of four research-based policies that could effectively reduce gun-related homicides and suicides. We believe in our right to bear arms but also in laws that keep America safe. It’s time to speak up.
Gun owners are speaking up
Set violent misdemeanor crimes (including assault, battery, and stalking) as the threshold for exclusion from gun purchase and possession.
States would require a permit in order to purchase and possess a gun. Two permits would be issued at the same time: a general one and one for concealed carry.
Required simplified federal and state background checks as part of the gun permitting process.
State-level laws would allow law enforcement or family members to petition a court to remove firearms from a person who is a threat to themselves or others. This would include due process procedures for the gun owner.
Learn more about our research-based policy roadmap.
Aim for Change is a way to unite gun owners, as well as demonstrate to non-gun owners, the media, and legislators that this issue is not nearly as divisive as it is made out to be.
It’s time to speak up.
Support gun laws that keep America safe while protecting your right to bear arms. Sign our petition today to make your voice heard.
Want to take it to the shooting range? Download and print a copy of the petition below.
Together we can make our country safer.
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