TAG: Talking About Guns

Putting 97Percent’s mission to change the conversation around gun safety into action, we created TAG: Talking About Guns, a bi-weekly video series created to demystify a typically loaded and polarizing topic, featuring a variety of guests who represent different perspectives in the gun safety debate.

Season 1 guests include: Whitney Austin, a gun violence survivor and responsible gun owner advocate; Abra Belke, a former NRA lobbyist; Fred Guttenberg, a gun reform activist and father of a Parkland shooting victim; Mark McKinnon, former Republican strategist and current host of The Circus on Showtime; Justin McFarlin, a combat veteran and NRA-certified pistol instructor; Jason George, an Emmy-nominated actor and 97Percent board member; Stephen Gutowski, an award-winning journalist and founder of The Reload; Chris Marvin, founder of Marvin Strategies and Got Your 6, and former US Army Black Hawk helicopter pilot; Rob Pincus, an educator, author, entrepreneur, and gun rights and responsibility advocate; Sean Maguire, A British-American actor and singer, and founder of The Players Conservatory, Marchelle Davis, a veteran, firearms instructor, and founder of My Sister’s Keeper Defense, and Congressman Seth Moulton, a Marine Corps veteran and U.S. Representative for Massachusetts’ 6th congressional district.

During our 15-minute conversations, our guests approach and dissect a wide range of gun-related topics and issues including relevant national news, personal stories, safety training, access to firearms, constitutional rights and freedoms, responsible gun ownership, gun culture, and the role of firearms in keeping our communities safe. 

Check out all past episodes on 97Percent’s Instagram or at 97Percent.us, and stay tuned for more exciting guests in the coming months as we continue to change the conversation around gun safety.


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